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Floating the Rivers of Island Park



Floating the Rivers



Floating the rivers of Island Park is a favorite activity on a hot summers day. There are several rivers and areas that can be floated. You can take your own tubes and boats or rent from a local company.

Big Springs boat ramp: This is the most popular float to locals and tourists alike. This is the longest float in the area. It can take up to 4 hours, so make sure to bring your sun screen and bug spray. If you have little ones you may want to consider bringing snacks for the river. The lower stretch of the river is popular in the evenings for fisherman so keep that in account when floating later in the day. You can rent from Macks Inn River Adventure and they will shuttle you up and allow you to park your vehicle at the bottom. If you take your own boats you will need 2 vehicles to shuttle your group.





BUFFALO RIVER:  You can access a Dock at the back of the Buffalo Campground across from Ponds Lodge to start your float. Please be courteous as you drive through the campground there are a lot of people trying to enjoy their vacation as well and camping. You will need to have two vehicles to shuttle your people and your tubes to the top of the river. Take out just before the bridge by Ponds Lodge, there’s a pull out area you can leave your vehicle. Is a slow shallow float and only four tubes. This float will take approximately an hour and a half to two hours.





BOX CANYON: Box Canyon boating ramp can be accessed on the south side of the Island Park Dam. You’ll need to vehicles to shuttle your kayaks and rafts (tubes are not suggested but can be used for adults). The takeout is in last chance area just north of the angler’s Lodge. Fast float with some small rapids. Use caution when taking small children. It can be rocky depending on water levels. There is a small scenic waterfall along the river.