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What to Bring

What to bring with you!


Your coming to a wilderness area to vacation and if you plan your vacation well you will have a positive experience.

In the summertime May and through the middle of June can tend to be cooler early morning and toward the evening hours. Make sure to bring a jacket and long pants you can change into when needed. Bring a pair of tie up shoes to protect your feet. Shoes likes flip flops or sandals will not protect your feet when you are out exploring.

Layering your clothing is also a good idea and then if your to warm you can take off clothing as needed. At least this way when departing your cabin early morning to go site seeing you will have what you need with you. July and August are pretty warm and you should still bring a light jacket.

The rest of the year you will want to bring heavier jackets and long underwear, snow suits etc.

You will need to bring your private toiletries like bar soap and shampoo as we do not provide this for you. Cabins are equipped with everything else you should need except food of course.

Winter Driving


Snow tires and four-wheel-drive are recommended for traveling in Eastern Idaho during the winter.  Road conditions can change quickly, and even well-traveled highways are occasionally closed by blizzards or high winds.

Before setting out, check the Transportation Department’s website ( or call 511 for an automated, up-to-the-minute status of all thoroughfares.

Wise motorists will also carry emergency gear (shovel, snack bars, water, blankets) in their vehicles to be ready for any contingency.

Coming Snowmobiling?


A reminder to anyone traveling backcountry areas whether skiing, snowmobiling or hiking: Remember the time of year, exercising all back country cautions. Take necessary equipment and survival gear when venturing into the back country.

If you have a GPS and cell phone, be sure to take them with you, but do not rely on them entirely for a safe rescue if you find yourself in trouble or stranded. Cell phones should be kept close to your body & turned off to keep the battery full, so it’s not searching for a signal & running the battery down.

Avalanche Transceivers and equipment, knowing what the avalanche conditions are, and knowing skills to save lives are a must for everyone entering back country riding or traveling.

Plan ahead. Make sure you know the area you are going into before heading into it. If you find yourself in trouble, stop, take a look around you, and do not go any further. The further you go the more complicated and dangerous it is to get yourself to safety, also making rescue efforts more difficult and dangerous. Make mental notes in relation to any physical features or landmarks that would assist in your rescue.

Make a plan, stick to your plan, narrow the riding area, & most of all…let someone know WHERE you are planning to go!

To check avalanche conditions, here are some sites to look at.
North American Avalanche Centers Website